Digital Ecosystem


BASC is the steward of many day-to-day necessities for the College at Brockport community, including dining, catering, parking, transportation, and more.

The problem? Managing the promotional content for all these services required multiple manual processes across several outdated platforms.

Zimmet Group designed and implemented a comprehensive digital ecosystem that got BASC the revenue-generating attention it needed. The new ecosystem is served by one easy-to-use content management system and maintained by BASC staff. Information is now up-to-date from point of sale right down to a student’s phone, driving more engagement and purchase activity.

Staff can deploy fresh content updates 4x faster across all their channels with the new system.


BASC’s website design aligns to the College’s site structure to promote familiarity while maintaining required BASC branding.* Calendars, photo galleries, and social media feeds build up the organization’s human side while promotional offers drive traffic to online and physical retail locations.

The site is both responsive and ADA-compliant, ensuring it is broadly relevant to the campus community.

BASC Home page on laptop
BASC Home page on mobile
BASC Locations and Dining on Mobile
BASC Student Employment on Mobile


Each of the various College-run dining options has eye-catching digital signage branded to match its retail location. Zimmet Group developed custom templates for each sign fed from the same content management system that supports BASC’s website, so menu items and pricing are always in sync.


American Marketing Association – Pinnacle Award Winner for Web Design

*Branding was not a component of this project. Our ecosystem was originally launched in 2012 and updated in 2020.